EU-JDID Programme Resume April 2017 - May 2018

The European Union (EU) funded Programme “EU Support to Jordanian Democratic Institution & Development EU-JDID” aims at supporting Jordan's reform process towards consolidation of democracy and at promoting inclusiveness of national policy and decision-making processes. The Programme also intends to enhance women and youth inclusion and to foster a stronger democratic and tolerant political culture.


The EU-JDID Programme Resume April 2017- May 2018, presents some general information about the Programme, its objectives and some of the main results achieved so far. 


The document includes information about work of the components ‘Parliamentary support’, ‘Electoral assistance’ and ‘Support to Political Party System’, implemented by the ECES-led consortium, composed of  European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) and French Agency for Media Cooperation (CFI)

Additionally, the document includes information on the fourth component “Support to Civil Society Organisations” implemented by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)


The Resume aims to provide readers with a quick overview on the Programme as well as on the progress of its implementation. 


To access the full document, click on the following link: EU-JDID Programme Resume April 2017- May 2018