Secondment of a Strategic Planning Expert
Secondment of a Strategic Planning Expert
The EU JDID project supported the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs (MoPPA) in the finalisation of its Multiannual Strategic Plan 2017-2021 through the secondment of a strategic planning expert during the months of October, November, and December. The expert met with the relevant departments and units at the Ministry, and provided valuable input and recommendations on how to fine-tune the draft Strategic Plan and restructure the strategic framework. Based on the recommendations provided by the seconded expert, the Ministry updated the Multiannual Strategic Plan, which will guide the different departments in the implementation of activities and projects. Being the public body responsible for political development and supporting political parties, MoPPA’s ability to enhance its capacity in strategic planning and formulating achievable and feasible goals contributes to the project’s rationale of strengthening the political party system. Consequently, the project will support the Ministry by training its staff on designing key performance indicators and executive plans that reflect the strategic vision of MoPPA.