Unemployment & Education

Last week, the Support to Media component of EU-JDID co-hosted the "Parliament" podcast for an election debate between a number of electoral lists in the 3rd Amman district.

Focused on "Unemployment and Education ", the debate lasted 45 minutes, followed by 45 minutes for a Q&A with the online audience.

The debate covered unemployment rates, the candidates' stance on government policies towards them, and the candidates' programmes on that. As for education, the debate tackled the candidates' programmes towards university and basic education, the candidates' vision and development of curricula, the experience of distance education, and their position on the teachers' strike.

The Parliament Podcast will be launched in its fourth consecutive season, produced by Sowt, which produces high-quality podcasts in Arabic.

To listen to Parliament Podcast, you can find it on the various podcast apps.

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